Monday, August 27, 2007

It's no good.

Due to high blood pressure I have been on home rest for a week. I had very severe Preclampsia
last pregnancy during the end, so they are just being precautious. No good for me.


Eric Qian Wang, PE, MSCE said...

We are sorry to hear that, Marilee. Please don't worry too much about it. You will get over it. We are always on your side.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you're laid up, honey. Take good care of yourself and be well.


Anonymous said...

:( I bet the gym is going to miss you

Anonymous said... better be resting or I'm just going to have to come back to Cali and kick your butt! Make sure you follow doctor's orders and don't push yourself too hard, like you normally do. I know it's hard to just lay or sit there, but I know that you'll find something...knit, you can knit. Be glad that it's not 90-100% humidity and over 90-100 ankles and calves are the size of tree trunks! Miss you! Feel better...this will pass!

Anonymous said...

Take care of you P! I love you...D

A proud granddaughter said...

Hope you are doing better today.