Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It will be funny someday.

Well, happy readers, I have a little story for you. Today I had a regular non stress test. The doctor decided that with my blood pressure, I had been in labor long enough. He changed my induction to tomorrow, which I guess is today at this point. Whew, it became very real. This is happening. Another baby. We haven't picked a name yet! I called D. and he started to tie up loose ends at work. All very exciting.

Cut to tonight.........

D. calls me at my parents house. He was going to pick me up there after I had a bath. With a very strained voice he told me that he had fallen in the shop at his work and that his knee had popped. Oh my gosh! Is he ok? What happens now? His technician drove him to the ER where my dad met him. Because I was being induced early in the morning. My mom dropped Blue off for the night to my in laws. I tearfully said goodbye to my "only " child for the last time. I had to think positive.

Cut to a few hours later........

They have now done the x-rays and D. has broken his knee-cap in two. He will need surgery. At this point I puke. The enormity of what I am hearing is starting to register. He is having surgery potentially at the same time that I am delivering our baby! At the very minimum he won't be able to stand or be my birth coach.


Here it is 1:38 am. I am supposed to be up in 3 and a half hours. Here is the new plan. Blue is going to stay in the capable hands of my in--laws until there is a new baby and a new knee. My mom is my new birth coach. D is going to have surgery to repair his knee sometime during the day and best case scenario,they will wheel him in while I push the the baby out and then take him back to his room.

I'm not going to lie. I feel very scared and very stressed. This is a new one. Everyone think good thoughts. I am happy that D will be OK and that tomorrow there will be a new baby. Wish me luck.


A proud granddaughter said...

Holy crap! I am thinking good things for you both and we will be there soon to do whatever we can for you. You WILL get through this.

John Maver said...

And you thought that you had it bad yesterday!!!

Love Dad

Unknown said...

Any new news? Those of us in Florida need to know! Love, Ellen

SuzannaBanana said...

Good God, MaveHeard!

I'm calling you right now, and I'm not expecting you to pick up, but please let me know via e-mail, voice mail, smoke signals or just screaming very loudly if you need ANYTHING AT ALL.

I cook a mean freezer-friendly casserole. It ought to go without saying that Peter and I are freakishly strong and capable of doing housework and landscape maintenance.

Let us know what we can do! (That goes for the rest of the readers/commenters. If you can think of some way we can help out our favorite calamity-prone family, please chime in. I'm reachable at joncoaltzATyahoo.com.)