Sunday, December 16, 2007

Announcing John Arnold Heard!

John Arnold Heard (named for the grandfathers) was born on December 12th, at 4:09 a.m. He was a whopping 8lbs 11oz., 21 3/4 inches long and a head circumference of 14 1/2 inches I am going to get a little detailed so if you are a sensitive stomach, just look at the pictures from now on. This is me. I am just about to be induced. They decided to just give me Pitocin since I was already three centimeters. I did not like the contractions, so I opted for the epidural like last time. My problem this pregnancy had been high blood pressure You body sort of adjusts after a while to that pressure. I went from 165/108 to 85/50 in about a minute after the epidural set in. All of a sudden my arms were heavy, my arms were fluttering closed and I was very nauseous. I was so tired that I was slurring my words. What happened that Both blood pressures are fine, but it was such a quick drop that my body reacted badly. The anesthesiologist gave me three shots of Effedrin to bring my pressure back up and I was was back to normal. Scary how quick things can happen.

This is D. He was waiting until I had the baby. He didn't want to be disoriented either by medication so he took nothing for the pain. What a trooper. He was hurting a lot though.

Here he is! I was laying in the bed. With how the epidural worked I was still feeling some pain and pressure with the contractions. They were unbelievable. You are supposed to feel like you have to go to the bathroom, but I never did. It didn't feel like that at all. The contractions were crazy. Lots of pressure. I said to the nurse that I wanted to be checked. I had to be getting close I thought. The doctor came in and then just started yelling orders. The head was already out! The doctor literally caught the baby at the perfect moment. Unbelievable. This is the most incredible story I think that has ever happened to D or .

Poor D. waited all that time only to miss it by a minute, Who could have know that the baby would just come out without me even pushing. I had called him to say he should probably get ready and that I would be getting checked soon. The next thing he knew he was tucked into a wheelchair and the nurses started yelling at his nurse to run him down to labor and delivery. It was a panicked race. Although the nurse ran and wheeled fast, it was too late. The did get to trim the cord though, so it was a very special moment for him.

OK, next surprise. Can't believe its a boy! I thought for sure it was a girl. I had the nurses re-check twice to make sure. He is definitely a boy. Now we have a boy and a girl and life is good. I am still getting used to saying my son and John (many in family have this name) I like it. Very different to change a diaper.

Baby John has been a little yellow since his birth. He wasn't too pleased with me after his circumcision so he stopped eating for the day. That made him really sleepy and more jaundiced than ever. Although we had been released Thursday, he had to be re-admitted I was readmitted with him) the next day because he was so yellow and had lost 11% of his body weight.

Lets take a happy break and look at more pictures just after he was born. Ladies volunteer to knit caps for babies at the hospital. I love the little Santa one he was given. Remember, his original due date was Christmas Day. =)

Blue has been such a good girl through this whole process. She loves to help me with the baby. I don't think he realizes that she gets to keep him. She has special baby bottles to feed her doll when I feed the baby and had been very excepting of different people putting her down for sleep everyday. She has little moments, but as a whole, she is amazing.

These are their first moments together. She said, "I need to pick him up! Can I hold him?" and points out every emotion . What was so funny was that she kept saying his name was John Jacob (she apparently has learned new songs lately) You can't help but say jingleheimer schmit after in your mind. She has it now.

Although it has been eventful and shocking, the important thing is that John, D and I are all healthy now and him from the hospital. John has brought an entirely new part out in my heart. I love his little cheeks with hidden dimples and his facial expressions. I LOVE being back home with Blue again. She is so sweet. I was teary today and she asked what was wrong. I told her was just tired and she said, "just take a deep breath Mommy." I love that kid. D. is so strong. I can't imagine his pain level. He is getting lots of bonding time and will be on his feet soon.
Seasons Greetings to all our loved ones. This comedy of errors seems to be winding down. It wouldn't be us it it didn't happen this way. Its just our way. For instance, today at John's check-up, I tearfully explained everything that was going on and how i was so tired, I really didn't think I could take more. I'm not kidding, at that moment the fire alarms went off in the hospital. Everyone had evacuate and you can't use the elevator in a fire. Pediatrics is on the fourth floor. I had to carry John, his stroller, diaper bag and so on by myself....down four flights of stairs.......I just gave birth 5 days turned out to be a fire drill....
I swear someday I will laugh hard about all of this. Just let me get some sleep first! =) I am so grateful that John is healthy, beautiful and sweet. We are very lucky when you think about it.


A proud granddaughter said...

As if you had a fire drill too!!!! I love my little nephew. :)

John Maver said...

Now that is one great baby!!!

John Arnold you say eh?

Nice name.

Looks smart and good looking like both grandfathers.


Anonymous said...

He is a cutie and I love to hold him


Unknown said...

Congrats to the new, crazy family! And even after all your misadventures, you took time to give us tons of details! Thanks, new Mom. Those of us in Florida really appreciate it. So, call AFTER you get some sleep and we'll catch up. Love, Ellen

Anonymous said...

Can I just say that besides Ella blue he is the cutest baby ever he is set those darn dimples will get him out of any future situations

Anonymous said...

What an adorable little man! I miss you and still have yet to meet Blue and now John. Cant wait!

Eric Qian Wang, PE, MSCE said...

Marvelous Christmas Boy! Warmest Congratulations from Eric, Lily and Stanley!

Anonymous said...


Coffee or tea or something soon? Yes.

Love, Kat

Anonymous said...

i love that pic, he's so angry about the fire drill and making mommy rush down 4 flights all by herself and all my stuff!!! he's so adorable, you guys do good work, you have two beautiful kids who i can't wait to meet!!!!