Saturday, January 20, 2007

hyper sheep

There is nothing as sweet as finally seeing your child sleep through the night when they have suffered so many before. Of course when Blue is up, I am up. At one point it had been four nights and I had gotten less than 4 hours total. I then called the doctor. I wasn't feeling really chipper so there were no pleasantries out of my mouth. I shot, " look I need this kid to sleep. Either we knock her out with drugs or I am going to lose my mind." He chuckled a little at me. I wanted to smack him throught the phone. He said that she wasn't eating and crabby because she wasn't sleeping and that it was a repetitive downward spiral. He said that I could give Blue benadryl. ( she had a runny nose too so I ddin't feel guilty at all) That night I gave her the stuff and held my breath. SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. It was a miracle. I almost called the doctor back the next day to thank him. She woke up so much happier and hungry. YAY! And second to that I finally got to sleep.

1 comment:

A proud granddaughter said...

Way to go Blue!! You let your mommy and daddy sleep. (They are NOT morning people.)