Monday, April 7, 2008

What a life she leads

It was quite an eventful weekend for miss Blue. She got too dig into her first container of chalk. Mommy felt a little artistic too. =)
The sprinklers accidentally got onto her hopscotch board but she didn't care.

She's very hammy.

Blue went to her first movie! You can faintly see Nana in the back round. The movie was Horton Hears a Who. It was very cute. With the exception of playing musical laps, Blue was very well behaved. She loved the movie and pretty much the if you put food in front of her she's good for the long stretch. =)

Yesterday we went to a place called the Jungle for Blue's cousin Patrick's birthday. It is huge! Three stories of nets and ball pits and ropes with ramps. Very fun for children. I didn't know that there was a little kids area so Blue went in with the other kids who were around 5-8. I also didn't know that once you get in you have to go a long way before there is a way out or you have to go out the way you came. Blue tried her hardest to swim through the ball pits but she was just too little to get up the rope ramps. I was also having a small heart attack every time a little 8 yr old boy yelled a war call and jumped into the ball pit without looking or caring what got jumped on. I had to go in there to get her out. She was happy, but she was stuck.

I want you to picture what it feels like climbing through a tube into a giant pit to get your child. Not so bad right? NOT if you have a line of little children behind you saying" get out of the way" in their little Minnie Mouse voices. Not only that but bringing her back out the same way. The children were ticked to say the least. Happily we found the children's area and had a great time.

Blue refueling on her pizza then my pizza, then cake, and then my cake for good measure. She collapsed tired but happy at the end of this very fun weekend.


Anonymous said...

Looks like it's actually Horton Blue, not Horton Who! She gets cuter every day and I'm so lucky to get to put to her to sleep every night...

Anonymous said...

thats one happy pizza eater

A proud granddaughter said...

I love the one where she is running down the sidewalk.

John Maver said...

We are exhausted just reading this.

What a full life you provide for her.

Nana & Papa