Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Today we started off with seeing what the Easter Bunny brought to us and then it was off to church with Nana and Papa. After, we ate hot crossed buns and eggs and went on a hunt. There is also the adult egg hunt . I dominated this year against D (25 eggs to 23)! This evening we went to Gtrandma for Easter dinner with the west coast cousins. It was an eventful, but wonderful day.

Papa and Baby J
Nana and Frisco

The team photo. Carrick, Baby J, Patrick, Brenna, Finnian, and Blue.
Grandma was trying to hide behind John, but we caught her!

D and I

Me and my babies

Brenna and Blue are very close friends. Very cute to watch.

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

How great that families (and such cute families!) can get together for special occassions like Easter.

oxox Nana and Papa

snoozebutton said...

look at them in their cute easter outfits