Friday, February 6, 2009

A very sad day

Today was so sad for all of us in that Cloud had to be put down. He was 28 just like me. I spent many years riding, loving, and growing up with him. I have so many memories of apple picking with him. We would go on these long hacks through the woods, I won my first (and only) blue ribbon with him. I learned how to ride with him. I used to be able to fly over jumps and fences. He equaled freedom. My favorite times other than that were the quiet visits that I would pay him at night. He was just endlessly loving. I could stand there and just hug him and he would let me for a long time. I didn't have stress or worry. Just my friend. Mom and Dad have done such a wonderful job at being there everyday. He knew he was loved. He gave us so much back. He is irreplaceable.

Beau's Cloudburst "Cloud"
Here is Blue when she was very small getting her first lessons on Cloud.
Cloud, I will miss you very much. You have been part of this family for the past 17 years. You will always be in my heart and memory. I love you.


SuzannaBanana said...

You gave Cloud a wonderful life full of love. I wish there were something I could say to make it hurt less.

Godspeed, little horse.

Anonymous said...

That is a touching picture of the two of you. Cloud is a one of a kind with such a good spirit. He was so beautiful and I have never met a horse with a better temperment. A very special horse indeed he will be missed and his memories will be cherished

Anonymous said...

I know how much Cloud meant to you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. This is very upsetting, I even started to cry. I don't know what to say...I'm so sorry.

Much love and hugs...

Anonymous said...

How our beloved Cloud knew he was loved by you Marilee! Thank you for being you and loving him.

oxox Nana and Papa