Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a day

What a day for these two monkeys. First Baby J decided to get up at 5am and just play. Mommy was not so much in the mood for that. Then, in childcare he decided it would be fun to rip apart the books and eat them. Blue, ran to the front of the Yoga class (not mine) and said, "ladies let me show you how to do this." With each posture she received more awwws and applause. I was half mortified and half completely proud. She was very sweet. The class ended up starting 10 minutes late because of my little actress. Oh well, it was entertaining. Finally, I let Baby J take his nap in the swing today. When I went in to get him, he was still asleep in a little ball, on his tummy, in the swing! I had a quick panic attack and decided that it would be the end of swing naps forever. This baby is a contortionist! What a day!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! Boys always find ways to escape...he just gave up!

Ethan smacked his face on the ground or cabinet on Tuesday night and was bleeding profusely from his mouth. It was heart stopping. He and Kaleb both had accidents on Tuesday(Kaleb left with a fat lip). Not a fun day.

Believe me when I gets worse!

Blue is so sweet...she learned her yoga moves from the best! I'm sure that Baby J got his flexibility from you too!

We got snow snowed for two hours!

Love and Hugs!

John Maver said...

Go get 'em baby John

Love Nana

Anonymous said...

those are some major characters