Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gramma's gift

It feels like this is a gift sent from my Gramma. I found out after she passed away that I was pregnant, and the baby is due 5 days past her birthday. So many signs. It makes me happy.


A proud granddaughter said...

Very exciting new!! Ryan is pumped about a new cousin.

Eric Qian Wang, PE, MSCE said...

Great News! Warmest congratulations from Eric, Lily and Stanley!

Anonymous said...

that is amazing

Christyogini said...

Hi! My mom forwarded me your blog, which she got from your father. I think he commented on my blog yesterday too!! Congratulations on your big announcement; that is excellent! I really hope I can see you guys soon. I do SO much travelling, in fact I am headed to San Fran this weekend. I should send you my phone number. I know it's a long shot, but I'd love to see you! Or even better- take a yoga class from you. Did your dad tell you I am a yoga instructor too? Bikram style. I love it! Anyway, Mom has always said she wishes I knew you guys better. She has such fond memories involving your grandma and your dad when she and my dad first got married. Ok, gotta run! So cool to be able to read up on you now though. :) Congrats again.... Christy Maver